Here's where you can view my resume.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Week 6: Plaxo
So I have been attempting to get on this plaxo website for the past hour and have not gotten anywhere. The internet explorer keeps telling me that the site is unavailable, so I'm going to try again a little bit later.
Week 6: Linkedin
So the following is my address to view my profile on Linkedin:
Before Scott had even assigned this website, I was already a member. My friend in San Diego is a financial planner and looking into finding a job and she wanted me to be apart of this website. I just joined it for the heck of it and then forgot about it, so once Scott had us sign up for it, I looked more into what this website has to offer. Its a really cool tool and I can foresee using it in the future to help build my profile and resume and network with potential jobs and keep in touch professionally with peers.
Before Scott had even assigned this website, I was already a member. My friend in San Diego is a financial planner and looking into finding a job and she wanted me to be apart of this website. I just joined it for the heck of it and then forgot about it, so once Scott had us sign up for it, I looked more into what this website has to offer. Its a really cool tool and I can foresee using it in the future to help build my profile and resume and network with potential jobs and keep in touch professionally with peers.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Week 5: Online Image Generators

Made with free image tools @
I played with this on Magazine Generator

This is where I played with FlickrToys.
This project was a lot of fun. I would have to say that the FlickrToys and the Magazine Generator were the easiest to use. I tried to play around with the other two and had a difficult time trying to save my work and put it on this blog so that you could see. I liked the Magazine one so much that I copied the html and posted it on my friends MySpace, since that is a picture of her as well.
I've always used MySpace word generators when I wanted to comment on other people's pages but I now I realize there are many different generators out there where I can express myself and not be limited to only what MySpace provides. I can see that these generators can help in expressing your emotions and can spice up the blogs. I will probably use the FlickrToys in the future. Had fun. The other ones like I said were kind of difficult to play around with because once I was finished I wanted to copy them but they either wanted money or the website wasn't working. Oh well next time.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Week 4: Podcast
The idea of a Podcast seems truly interesting but the directories that the professor provided made it slightly difficult to figure out how to use the Podcast. The very first directory that I went through was easy because you were able to view the cast easily, while the second directory you had to go through a few extra steps just to view the podcast. I was able to add a podcast to my blogline and I decided to add the podcast that discussed the Bay2Breakers that just happened a few weeks ago, my best friend actually ran the Bay2Breakers so it was a very interesting podcast. Right now I own a Zune which is Microsoft's version of an Ipod and I have been able to download some podcast on there. The podcast that I was able to download were KinsPodcast by Jim Ave and instructor at Fresno Pacific University where he was able to give classroom instructions since the class was all on-line.
I could see that Podcasts could be very beneficial in my career because I can keep up to date on new exercise programs or exercise news. I was unable to find much on kinesiology or athletic training but in time I think when Podcasts are even more common there will be more and more things involving these subjects.
I could see that Podcasts could be very beneficial in my career because I can keep up to date on new exercise programs or exercise news. I was unable to find much on kinesiology or athletic training but in time I think when Podcasts are even more common there will be more and more things involving these subjects.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Week 4: YouTube
Now that I figured out YouTube, this could be a lot of fun. I was able to post videos of my husband singing "Having A Bad Day" Alvin & The Chipmunk style, and then I went ahead and added some other videos that I took recently. I searched Fresno Pacific University and came up with numerous results, I found two that were particularly interesting. The first was a video on FPU's Aquatics and there were speeches made by many of the athletes as well as Coach Bryan and Coach Peter, the other video I found was one of my track athletes dancing. It was hilarious. But there was a lot of useful things that I found on YouTube as well, I search Athletic Training and things that came up were information about Athletic Training programs at certain schools, examples of rehabilitation techniques, and how to perform certain evaluations. I find that this website will be most beneficially than the previous because more people know about this website.
I chose the video that is placed upon this blog because it is my own personal video. I have taken videos numerous times and have always wanted to share the videos with friends and family and now that i know how to do that, I thought I would like to share this video that I took of my husband. I am a big fan of the new Alvin & The Chipmunk DVD and really enjoy the opening song which is Having a Bad Day, and my husband decided to sing to me, so I thought you guys would get a kick out of it. Enjoy!
Week 4: Technorati
Technorati another site where you can look up peoples blogs, videos, photos, and etc. I like this site because it has everything, it separates things by videos, tags, photos, and blogs. It defiantly makes things easier when searching. I looked up kinesiology and the search engine came up with various things, it was nice to go from the blog section to the video and photo section. I particularly liked the video and photo section because many people posted things that were related to kin either photos of injuries or videos on how to perform a certain rehab technique. It defiantly will help me when I need a better example on how to explain a rehab technique or do a certain test. Sometimes just reading it in a book doesn't help.
Its cool to know that Technorati keeps track of all the blogs out there and is all under one roof, instead of looking up this blog or that blog.
Its cool to know that Technorati keeps track of all the blogs out there and is all under one roof, instead of looking up this blog or that blog.
Week 4:
I explored the other day and thought that it was rather interesting. I find that is familiar in that it is like your favorites section on your Internet Explorer, but the cool thing about it, is that you can be viewing something and want to re-call it later on and you can post it to your account. It seems like an easy way to find numerous information at a fast past instead of streamlining through your favorites or surfing the web.
This website can be very useful in my profession because in the search engine I can put Athletic Training and nearly 470 results come up. These results range from articles about athletic training, new rehabilitation techniques, health topics such as increase body size and mass in a healthy manner, and of course the many different sites of athletic training organizations. For example the NATA (National Athletic Training Association), NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association), and etc. The options that provides is endless. This can be a quick and easy way to receive information about and for my career.
the following is my page:
This website can be very useful in my profession because in the search engine I can put Athletic Training and nearly 470 results come up. These results range from articles about athletic training, new rehabilitation techniques, health topics such as increase body size and mass in a healthy manner, and of course the many different sites of athletic training organizations. For example the NATA (National Athletic Training Association), NSCA (National Strength and Conditioning Association), and etc. The options that provides is endless. This can be a quick and easy way to receive information about and for my career.
the following is my page:
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Week 3: Web 2.0 Awards
Hey this is a neat site. Check out this site:
This site gives you the opprotunity to check out the most awarding sites that are out there. You can view entertainment, music, games, classifieds and directors, etc. I personally enjoyed looking over the classifeid and directories section and the city guide section, these sections held craigslist and yahoo local. Before I moved to Fresno I used craigslist to find a home in fresno, and then recently I have been doing research on jet ski's with craigslist. Yahoo Local I also use to find fun and interesting things to do in Fresno such as good resturants and local events. By using Yahoo Local I have been able to go to the Vintage Days, Clovis Big Hat Days, and Clovis Fest...I look forward to other many cultrual events in Fresno. This is an awesome site that I can forsee using in my career for a quick look up of the most common places in Fresno and each have stars that tell you what the reviewers thought of those sites. I cannot wait to see when Web 3.0 comes out as well!!
This site gives you the opprotunity to check out the most awarding sites that are out there. You can view entertainment, music, games, classifieds and directors, etc. I personally enjoyed looking over the classifeid and directories section and the city guide section, these sections held craigslist and yahoo local. Before I moved to Fresno I used craigslist to find a home in fresno, and then recently I have been doing research on jet ski's with craigslist. Yahoo Local I also use to find fun and interesting things to do in Fresno such as good resturants and local events. By using Yahoo Local I have been able to go to the Vintage Days, Clovis Big Hat Days, and Clovis Fest...I look forward to other many cultrual events in Fresno. This is an awesome site that I can forsee using in my career for a quick look up of the most common places in Fresno and each have stars that tell you what the reviewers thought of those sites. I cannot wait to see when Web 3.0 comes out as well!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Week 3: Google Docs
Hi! My name is Tina, I work ... The following is my weblink to what I wrote in my Google Docs. This website looks a lot like Microsoft Word, it is an interesting website that would allow users to use an online version of word without paying for it. If i was a starving college student with no money to afford Microsoft Word I would totally use this program. Though I believe most computers are equipped with Microsoft Word for a certain period of time. Would I use Google Docs in the future, naw. I'm so used to using Microsoft that I will continue to use that for a long time.
Week 3: RSS Assignment
Wow! At first this RSS assignment was confusing but towards the end I understood it a little bit more. The idea of going to one site to view everything that interests you is awesome. I agree with some people how they state they go online for 5 or more hours trying to look at all the sites that they really enjoy, this way you only need to go to one site. I can see this site being helpful in my professional career as an Athletic Trainer because I can view the most recent rehab technique or any new news on prevention, there are endless opportunities. Recently, I subscribed to a few fellow students in KIN 710 blogs, I subscribed to Fresno weather, CNN News, NATA blogs and updates, and of course I subscribed to a few fellow students that have a Flickr account. I think though after this class I will trash all the extra feeds and stick with things that involve Athletic Training more.
If you want to check out my Bloglines the website is as follows:
If you want to check out my Bloglines the website is as follows:
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Week 2: Article Review 3: Social Softawre in Education
Ferdig, R. E. (2007). Editorial: Examining Social Software in Teacher Education. Journal of Technology & Teacher Education, 5-10
The following article discusses a teacher learning about a student’s extra curricular activities via Facebook and how teachers need to incorporate technology in the classroom. Teachers need to begin teaching students the good, bad and ugly of technology. The good parts of technology is that it is easily accessible, the bad would be how employers, teachers, parents can view students web pages and find inappropriate things that can be used as a fuel to punish that student, the ugly is the pure fact that there are online predators out there and have caused problems with teens. The most interesting thing about this article was the argument that teaching doesn’t always have to involved being confined to a desk or virtually all online, there are still many ways to teach students by using games, educational field trips, and the pure fact of doing what your learning in a lab.
I have had friends that had to change their profiles via Facebook or MySpace because of a certain job interview or I have had friends change their status on these online social networks to private so that certain individuals didn’t have full access to their profiles. Most of the social networking software has privacy privileges which are very impressive because it is true you can access basically anything online and can view anyone. I use some privacy privileges on my MySpace or Facebook because I only want to stay in contact with friends or family that I approve of; and I typically don’t approve people that I do not know. This article gives reasons of why technology is important and gives out some reasons why individuals can be weary of technology. In the end, technology is inevitable and people must adapt to it or else they will be left behind in society.
The following article discusses a teacher learning about a student’s extra curricular activities via Facebook and how teachers need to incorporate technology in the classroom. Teachers need to begin teaching students the good, bad and ugly of technology. The good parts of technology is that it is easily accessible, the bad would be how employers, teachers, parents can view students web pages and find inappropriate things that can be used as a fuel to punish that student, the ugly is the pure fact that there are online predators out there and have caused problems with teens. The most interesting thing about this article was the argument that teaching doesn’t always have to involved being confined to a desk or virtually all online, there are still many ways to teach students by using games, educational field trips, and the pure fact of doing what your learning in a lab.
I have had friends that had to change their profiles via Facebook or MySpace because of a certain job interview or I have had friends change their status on these online social networks to private so that certain individuals didn’t have full access to their profiles. Most of the social networking software has privacy privileges which are very impressive because it is true you can access basically anything online and can view anyone. I use some privacy privileges on my MySpace or Facebook because I only want to stay in contact with friends or family that I approve of; and I typically don’t approve people that I do not know. This article gives reasons of why technology is important and gives out some reasons why individuals can be weary of technology. In the end, technology is inevitable and people must adapt to it or else they will be left behind in society.
Week 2: Article Review 2: Web Library
Bolan, K., & Canada, M., & Cullin, R. (Winter 2007). Web, Library, and Teen Services 2.0. Young Adult Library Services, 5(2), 40-43
The article on Web, Library, and Teen Services primarily discussed how the physical library can adapt to the era of technology and how to reach out to teens again. Physical libraries are working on making the library more accessible for teens; libraries are getting accounts on online social networking places such as MySpace to have teens be more involved in the library. If the library has a social network account they can provide information of upcoming events or when certain books will be released. Another idea was the availability to send teens or individuals texts or instant messages of when there books are due or about other events that are going to happen at the library. Another thought to get more teens and individuals back into the physical library is game rooms, computer rooms, rooms that are geared towards children, teens, adults by how the layout and design of the rooms are. This article primarily talked about teens and how the teen can get more out of the library if the library becomes a 2.0 Library and utilizes the internet.
While I was in high school I was encouraged to go to the library to do research and read books and articles in the physical library, I remember seemingly having no time to actually go to the library due to all my extra-curricular activities. So, instead I would use online libraries such as EBCHost which is an online database where you can find numerous articles. Books though were difficult to find in full text so I would have to go to the library and it would be such a hassle to find the books because the library wasn’t very informative or helpful in directing where I could find the books. With this new idea of the physical library to be friendlier and serve on a more customer service base than in my childhood; I believe it will be a huge benefit to young children and teens. It will be the avenue to make libraries fun again.
The article on Web, Library, and Teen Services primarily discussed how the physical library can adapt to the era of technology and how to reach out to teens again. Physical libraries are working on making the library more accessible for teens; libraries are getting accounts on online social networking places such as MySpace to have teens be more involved in the library. If the library has a social network account they can provide information of upcoming events or when certain books will be released. Another idea was the availability to send teens or individuals texts or instant messages of when there books are due or about other events that are going to happen at the library. Another thought to get more teens and individuals back into the physical library is game rooms, computer rooms, rooms that are geared towards children, teens, adults by how the layout and design of the rooms are. This article primarily talked about teens and how the teen can get more out of the library if the library becomes a 2.0 Library and utilizes the internet.
While I was in high school I was encouraged to go to the library to do research and read books and articles in the physical library, I remember seemingly having no time to actually go to the library due to all my extra-curricular activities. So, instead I would use online libraries such as EBCHost which is an online database where you can find numerous articles. Books though were difficult to find in full text so I would have to go to the library and it would be such a hassle to find the books because the library wasn’t very informative or helpful in directing where I could find the books. With this new idea of the physical library to be friendlier and serve on a more customer service base than in my childhood; I believe it will be a huge benefit to young children and teens. It will be the avenue to make libraries fun again.
Week 2: Article Review 1: Social Networking
Morrison, B. B., & Weaver, A. C. (February 2008). Social Networking. Computer.
This article was quite interesting in the fact that I never realized how much the computer has changed communication. I started playing on the computer back in elementary school and remember sending emails to my grandmother on a server called Prodigy, from that I remember when AOL (American Online) came out and that was when instant messaging people became big. It was a way to connect with friends and family that could have lived miles away or just next door. From instant messaging I joined the whole MySpace phenomenon. I really have enjoyed staying connected with my friends and with MySpace it has given me the opportunity to stay connected with friends from high school. What was extremely interesting of this article was learning how many individuals have personal profiles online, according to Morrison and Weaver they states that more than half of Americans aged 12 to 17 use online social networking (such as MySpace, Facebook and etc) and that 55% of teens have created a personal profile online. This was an amazing number to find out, no wonder why parents have huge worry of privacy and making sure teens are safe. I have heard many horror stories about teens being attacked by online predators, and just to think of when I was a kid that I probably have had online predators watching me because my profiles were so honest. Now this article wasn’t discussing much about online predators but it did discuss how some of the online social networks have privacy restrictions.
I finally realized why my professors have always said that you cannot use Wikipedia as a reference. I had always thought it was a normal encyclopedia just like Britannica, but in fact it is not, there are many people that can openly edit and create changes within the server. So, there is a huge opportunity of fallacies within the content compared to using a trusted encyclopedia.
This article was quite interesting in the fact that I never realized how much the computer has changed communication. I started playing on the computer back in elementary school and remember sending emails to my grandmother on a server called Prodigy, from that I remember when AOL (American Online) came out and that was when instant messaging people became big. It was a way to connect with friends and family that could have lived miles away or just next door. From instant messaging I joined the whole MySpace phenomenon. I really have enjoyed staying connected with my friends and with MySpace it has given me the opportunity to stay connected with friends from high school. What was extremely interesting of this article was learning how many individuals have personal profiles online, according to Morrison and Weaver they states that more than half of Americans aged 12 to 17 use online social networking (such as MySpace, Facebook and etc) and that 55% of teens have created a personal profile online. This was an amazing number to find out, no wonder why parents have huge worry of privacy and making sure teens are safe. I have heard many horror stories about teens being attacked by online predators, and just to think of when I was a kid that I probably have had online predators watching me because my profiles were so honest. Now this article wasn’t discussing much about online predators but it did discuss how some of the online social networks have privacy restrictions.
I finally realized why my professors have always said that you cannot use Wikipedia as a reference. I had always thought it was a normal encyclopedia just like Britannica, but in fact it is not, there are many people that can openly edit and create changes within the server. So, there is a huge opportunity of fallacies within the content compared to using a trusted encyclopedia.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Week Two: Technology
Okay well now I'm in week Two of this summer course and I have started to explore Facebook which is much more difficult than Myspace. I've also joined a new website called which is attached to this blog. Twitter is a unique Internet program that allows me to tell you what I am doing moment by moment as long as I update it often. I can see it being very interesting but at the same time another useless Internet site to add to my collection. I wonder if one day there will be too many social networking sites that people loose interest in joining them all. I would rather just stay with one network and stick with that the whole time, then trying to remember many different passwords and user names.
So I have also joined Flickr and you can find me at: this program is really cool because you can view other people's pictures unlike Kodak Gallery. I think I will be having a lot of fun with Flickr, I still need to read more into it but it seems really fun.
I don't particularly enjoy online classes but I would have to say that this particular class needs to be an online course, because everything that is involved is all online. I believe that I am really going to enjoy this class and learning the different ways you can communicate with individuals whether they are my athletes, friends, family, and/or professors.
So I have also joined Flickr and you can find me at: this program is really cool because you can view other people's pictures unlike Kodak Gallery. I think I will be having a lot of fun with Flickr, I still need to read more into it but it seems really fun.
I don't particularly enjoy online classes but I would have to say that this particular class needs to be an online course, because everything that is involved is all online. I believe that I am really going to enjoy this class and learning the different ways you can communicate with individuals whether they are my athletes, friends, family, and/or professors.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Week One: A Little Bit about Me
Hi Everyone!
My name is Valentina but most people call me Tina. I enjoy the great outdoors, and spending time with my family. I graduated from San jose State University May of 2007 with a B.S. In Kinesiology with an Emphasis in Athletic Training. In August of 2007 I landed a Graduate Athletic Training position at Fresno Pacific University working with the Xross-Country, Swimming and Track team.
I have been married for almost one year, our anniversary date is June 3rd. My husband and I are planning on going to San Deigo for our anniversary and do the tourist thing.
I was born in New Jersery, but raised in Fremont, California. Attended Washington High School in Fremont and was heavily invovled in waterpolo, swimming, drama and photography. My most recent jobs all included helping others, I was a lifeguad, swim instructor, coach for swimming and waterpolo. My passion is anything that deals with the water and I enjoy taking photo's. I hope to one day own a small business where I can sell my photos.
With Athletic Training I hope to earn my Master's by 2009 and go on to work for either a small college or a high school. I truly enjoy teaching begining athletic training courses and hope that one day I will have the opprotunity to teach these courses wherever I decide to being my career at.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to know more, or just comment on my blogs. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the summer, it's supposed to be a warm one!
A Quote that I live by: "It is, What it is!" by Jeff Roberts
My name is Valentina but most people call me Tina. I enjoy the great outdoors, and spending time with my family. I graduated from San jose State University May of 2007 with a B.S. In Kinesiology with an Emphasis in Athletic Training. In August of 2007 I landed a Graduate Athletic Training position at Fresno Pacific University working with the Xross-Country, Swimming and Track team.
I have been married for almost one year, our anniversary date is June 3rd. My husband and I are planning on going to San Deigo for our anniversary and do the tourist thing.
I was born in New Jersery, but raised in Fremont, California. Attended Washington High School in Fremont and was heavily invovled in waterpolo, swimming, drama and photography. My most recent jobs all included helping others, I was a lifeguad, swim instructor, coach for swimming and waterpolo. My passion is anything that deals with the water and I enjoy taking photo's. I hope to one day own a small business where I can sell my photos.
With Athletic Training I hope to earn my Master's by 2009 and go on to work for either a small college or a high school. I truly enjoy teaching begining athletic training courses and hope that one day I will have the opprotunity to teach these courses wherever I decide to being my career at.
Please feel free to contact me if you would like to know more, or just comment on my blogs. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the summer, it's supposed to be a warm one!
A Quote that I live by: "It is, What it is!" by Jeff Roberts
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