Thursday, May 29, 2008

Week 4: YouTube

Now that I figured out YouTube, this could be a lot of fun. I was able to post videos of my husband singing "Having A Bad Day" Alvin & The Chipmunk style, and then I went ahead and added some other videos that I took recently. I searched Fresno Pacific University and came up with numerous results, I found two that were particularly interesting. The first was a video on FPU's Aquatics and there were speeches made by many of the athletes as well as Coach Bryan and Coach Peter, the other video I found was one of my track athletes dancing. It was hilarious. But there was a lot of useful things that I found on YouTube as well, I search Athletic Training and things that came up were information about Athletic Training programs at certain schools, examples of rehabilitation techniques, and how to perform certain evaluations. I find that this website will be most beneficially than the previous because more people know about this website.

I chose the video that is placed upon this blog because it is my own personal video. I have taken videos numerous times and have always wanted to share the videos with friends and family and now that i know how to do that, I thought I would like to share this video that I took of my husband. I am a big fan of the new Alvin & The Chipmunk DVD and really enjoy the opening song which is Having a Bad Day, and my husband decided to sing to me, so I thought you guys would get a kick out of it. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Bailey said...

Wow, I love that you used your very own video! Your husband sounds so funny... I am going to look into uplaoding my own videos and posting them! Yea!